

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum refers to placeholder text used in the printing and typesetting industry. Originating in the 1500s, it began when an unidentified printer mixed up a set of letterforms to create a specimen book. This dummy text has endured across five centuries, transitioning into the realm of electronic typesetting while remaining virtually unchanged. Its popularity surged in the 1960s with the advent of Letraset sheets featuring Lorem Ipsum extracts, and more recently, it has become a staple in desktop publishing applications like Aldus PageMaker, which included variations of Lorem Ipsum.

Why Do We Use It?

It is widely recognized that readers often get distracted by the text layout on a page. The advantage of utilizing Lorem Ipsum is its nearly normal letter distribution, as opposed to generic phrases like ‘Content here, content here’, which don’t resemble readable English. Currently, numerous desktop publishing tools and web page editors incorporate Lorem Ipsum as their default placeholder text. A simple search for ‘lorem ipsum’ reveals a multitude of websites still under development. Over the years, various iterations have emerged, occasionally by chance and at times intentionally, incorporating humor and other stylistic elements.

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